A Glimpse Into the Future

The Fundamental Restoration has begun…2012 is going to be fun.

Rep. Lt.-Col. Allen West & Governor Sarah Palin at Rolling Thunder, DC, 5-29-2011
Rep. Lt.-Col. Allen West & Governor Sarah Palin at Rolling Thunder, DC, 5-29-2011

(From the Rolling Thunder photo gallery at SarahPAC.com. )


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Filed under American Restoration, Governor Sarah Palin

Tim Pawlenty 2007: Listen to Visionaries like Jimmy Carter, ignore Global Warming Skeptics

I started this blog in February 2007, and many of my initial posts centered around the mountains of evidence emerging that the whole Global Warming/Climate Change movement was a complete fraud. In fact, the talk of March 2007 around the ‘net was UK Channel 4’s “The Great Global Warming Swindle” documentary, which exposed the faulty science behind the political watermelon movement. There was an attempt in 2006 to start a “Crunchy Con” movement, but that was a non-starter that fooled no one.

Fast-forward to May 2011, and we have a character named Tim Pawlenty, pretending to be the small-c conservative standard bearer for the Republicans in the 2012 Presidential Election campaign. Yet where was he in April 2007, when we already knew that the Global Warming emperor had no clothes? He was addressing the Minnesota Climate Change Advisory Group (MCCAG) in Minneapolis, with this brief speech. Here is the full text of his remarks to the organization, found also in the .pdf minutes of the MCCAG found here.

Thank you everyone. You’re all busy and you’ve taken time to help us form a better environmental program for the state.

As Peter Drucker taught us, “The practices that got us here, won’t get us to the future. The best way to think about future is to go out and invent it.”

It looks like we should have listened to President Carter. He called us to action, and we should have listened. So we now have ourselves in a bit of a pickle. As is often the case, the people are way ahead of the politicians. We’re benefiting from their tailwind.

Other visionaries deserve credit too, many who may have been dismissed as goofy. They were right, not goofy. Energy and climate issues are intertwined. Climate change is real. Human behavior is partly and may be a lot responsible. Those who don’t think so are simply not right. We should not spend time on voices that say it’s not real. Please don’t let these voices discourage or distract you from your mission.

Our hope is at the end of your deliberations, you will have given us a plan for action. I’m proud of Minnesota’s longstanding attention to environmental issues, but here we need to raise the bar as others catch up. We want to be bold, dynamic. But we have to fashion steps. Our actions on climate can’t unravel the political consensus or the Minnesota economy. It must be done in a rational way.

Sometimes success has led to complacency. Sadly we have been complacent in thinking about energy and environment. But we’re reaching a tipping point, and we have to deal with it now. I’ll do my best to lead and advocate for your recommendations.

In summary: ‘Jimmy Carter’s malaise speech was right-on. Listen to the visionaries like him and Al Gore, and ignore those deniers who stand in the way of  big-government solutions to climate change. I believe the climate is at a tipping-point, and I’ll act as governor to do whatever you zealots recommend.’

T-Paw has tried to distance himself from enviro-pimping ways of the past. But his “mistake” wasn’t in, say, 1997, when he could have claimed to not have known any better. This was 2007, when the debunking was publicly available, and the red agenda of the green movement was well known. He was already Governor of a state, and was actively encouraging the greens to provide him a plan to implement! Later in 2007, he actually signed a state bill requiring a Minnesota task force to come up with recommendations on how to implement a cap-and-trade system. There’s no way to write this one off as a youthful indiscretion.

So the question is: Is Tim Pawlenty a naive fool, or another two-faced RINO? Either way: I cannot take his candidacy seriously. If you were pushing that stuff just four years ago, you have no business pretending to be a conservative.

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Filed under Over-Environmentalism, Political Idiocy, Politicians, Uncategorized

Two Questions an Atheist Can Never Answer

1) How did the universe begin?

2) How did homo sapiens gain self-awareness?

With love,



Filed under Words of Wisdom

Canada’s Death Panels In Action: Nationalized Health Care Exposed

When Sarah Palin used rhetorical flourish to warn Americans of “Obama’s Death Panel” back in August of 2009, she was mocked and derided by liberals, and sniped at by jealous establishment conservatives. Well, fast-forward to March 2011 in Canada – land of Obama’s dream of nationalized health care – and the debate over the use of the drug Herceptin in the treatment of breast cancer in young women. When 34-year-old mother of two Jill Anzarut went to the press and Facebook to advocate for the drug, which is being denied to her by the Ontario Ministry of Health, our (Liberal) Health Minister chose to respond with jaw-dropping honesty:

“We cannot have a health system where the stories that land on the front page of the paper determine our health-care policy. It would be unfair to those who do not get their stories on the front page if we were to give priority to those who do.”

With these 49 words, Deb Matthews exposes what Palin was so presciently warning about: that nationalized health care ends up becoming about turf-protection, central control, dehumanization of individuals, and a monopoly on health service rationing to a clique of “masters of the universe” who end up thinking their number-crunching degrees in epidemiology give them moral license to determine who deserves to live and die.

Not convinced? Want to give Matthews benefit of the doubt, or deny the truth of what she said? OK, don’t take her word for it. Let’s go straight to the words of Diane McArthur, Assistant Deputy Minister and executive officer, Ontario Public Drug Programs, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, as published in her own words as a letter to the editor in today’s National Post:

“I would like to clarify the Ontario Public Drug Program review process in response to Matt Gurney’s recent article. The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s process for evaluating new and expensive cancer drugs is based on the best scientific evidence. The Ontario Public Drug Program relies on a thorough assessment of scientific data and clinical evidence by its expert advisory committee, the Committee to Evaluate Drugs (CED) and the CED/Cancer Care Ontario sub-committee, which includes cancer experts, to develop funding recommendations for all cancer drugs.
As a result, the Ontario Public Drug program is one of the most generous drug benefit programs in Canada.
Ontario’s Compassionate Access Program component of the Exceptional Access Program provides an opportunity for me, as the executive officer of the Ontario Public Drug Program, to consider requests for drugs or indications where the Committee to Evaluate Drugs has not reviewed a drug or where there are rare clinical circumstances in immediately life-, limb-or organ-threatening conditions. This program is not a mechanism to provide an exemption from the evidencebased criteria. The Exceptional Access Program Compassionate Review Policy is available on the Ministry’s website.
The ministry will continue to make funding decisions on drug products based on the advice of experts. We regularly review our criteria as new evidence is brought forward and/or standards of practice change. It is our responsibility to ensure that in addition to providing the best coverage we can, all funding decisions are made on the best available clinical and scientific evidence.”

Trying to put a positive spin on the government monopoly on drug rationing, MacArthur confirms what Palin, and the Health Minister herself, made clear:

1) Initial decisions on drug coverage are made by an “expert advisory committee”. 

2) Ontario’s committee is a smiley-happy-face-committee that is most generous to the little peoples!!!

3) If you’re not satisfied that Ontario’s committee is smiley and happy and generous to the little peoples, you can apply to another smiley happy committee – the committee of ME!!! DIANE MACARTHUR!!! BEARER OF GOVERNMENT GIFTS!!! And my SUPERPOWERS as head of the EXCEPTIONAL ACCESS PROGRAM!!!!

4) But if I, DIANE MARCARTHUR, BEARER OF GOVERNMENT GIFTS decide to quell the PR nightmare my administration is experiencing by granting you, suffering nameless victim who doesn’t fit into the expert panel’s number-crunching criteria yet insists on advocating for your own life, the drug that you want, I’ll find a way to cover my ass with another expert report (commissioned by me to give me the answer I need to provide cover to make it look like our system consists of something other than the government exercising a monopoly on the arbitrary rationing of health care services.)

Put it in your pipe and smoke it, Palin-haters of the right and left! (And you too, brainwashed Canucks…)

UPDATE: The bureaucrats announce, to no one’s surprise, that they will fund the patient’s treatment after all. The death panel comes through for Ms. Anzarut, and the minister announces what a wonderful world it is!


Filed under Broken Socialist Health Care System, Leftist Duplicity, Ontario Politics, Statism Gone Wild

“Euguenics wrapped in Feminist Clothing” – Philadelphia’s Abortion Slaughterhouse

Words cannot describe the depravity of Kermit Gosnell and his taxpayer-funded, activist- and lawmaker-shielded human butcher shop in Philadelphia. If you consider yourself “Pro-Choice”, how do the facts presented here mesh with your world-view? Just curious…

“The Philadelphia Horror: How Mass Murder Gets a Pass”

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Filed under Abortion Unlimited, The Anti-God Left, The Confusion of The Left

Don Cherry & Rob Ford: A Right that Fights is a Right that Wins

When the left gets challenged, it rarely engages on the issue. Instead, it resorts to whining about “civility”, calling for “unity”, and, when that fails to silence its critics, cries “racist-sexist-homophobe-islamophobe”.

When the right figures out that they can walk right through this veneer, and fight back fearlessly, they can win. That’s why this is such a heartening development: Toronto’s new Mayor, Rob Ford, inviting Canada’s greatest bombthrower, Don Cherry, to introduce him at his inauguration, and letting him give this speech:

Both Cherry and Ford have been unapologetic to the “outraged” leftists on council. If this is any indication of what is to come to Toronto City Council, the next four years will be a delight. Viva Ford!


Filed under Conservatism in Everyday Practice, Leftist Duplicity, Local Toronto Politics, Understanding the Left-Right Divide

Another one off the list: U. Waterloo throws Blatchford under bus

The list of universities that I would consider paying to send my kids to keeps on getting smaller. Still employing Jew-bashing professor Mohamed Elmasry, the Waterloo administration supported three lunatic protesters’ efforts to silence journalist and author Christie Blatchford, and canceled her speech on campus last Friday. Blatchford says it all:

“I long ago gave up any hope that universities were the defenders of free expression.”

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Filed under Free Speech For Me Not For Thee, Islamist-Leftist Alliance

Attack Jewish Businesses: Toronto 2010

You have to really hate yourself (or Jews) to stand outside a Bloor Street coffee shop and make a public ass of yourself, to serve the interests of bloodthirsty fascists who would rather see you covered in a potato sack to hide your bruises. Check out this unintentionally funny, but ultimately sad and pathetic, video of a mixed bag of Jew-haters hating on Jews at a Jewish coffee shop (Aroma Cafe). Switch the music from Lady Gaga to a Bavarian folk song, and this could be Berlin 1936.


Filed under Islamic Propaganda in Canada, Islamist-Leftist Alliance, Jew-Hatred in Canada, The Confusion of The Left

When the Left exiled Life: Nat Hentoff on Abortion, Jesse Jackson and the Village Voice

Nat Hentoff, c.1958

In this world turned upside down, the “compassionate”, the “caring”, the “good guys” on the left of the political spectrum have succeeded in twisting the abortion issue, and exiling all dissenting opinion from pro-abortion orthodoxy. In this fascinating piece from 1992 I came across today (thank you to a mysterious MIT-based web site for keeping it alive), Manhattan-born atheist-Jew Jazz-loving left-leaning civil libertarian and legendary Village Voice columnist Nat Hentoff reminds us, among other things, that both Jesse Jackson and Bill Clinton were once staunchly pro-life. A taste from “Pro-Choice Bigots: a View from the Pro-Life Left”:

Not too long ago, (Jesse Jackson) was a pro-lifer. He wrote and spoke about the right to life and attacked advocates of abortion rights. “There are those who argue that the right to privacy is of a higher order than the right to life,” he would say. “That was the premise to slavery. You could not protest the existence or treatment of slaves on the plantation, because that was private and therefore outside of your right to be concerned.” He told the story of how he himself had almost been aborted. A physician had advised his mother to let him go, but she wouldn’t. Don’t let the pro-choicers convince you that a fetus isn’t a human being, he warned: “That’s how the whites dehumanized us, by calling us niggers. The first step was to distort the image of us as human beings in order to justify that which they wanted to do–and not even feel like they’d done anything wrong.”

Yet being without theology isn’t the slightest hindrance to being pro-life. As any obstetrics manual–Williams Obstetrics, for example–points out, there are two patients involved, and the one not yet born “should be given the same meticulous care by the physician that we long have given the pregnant woman.” Nor, biologically, does it make any sense to draw life-or-death lines at viability. Once implantation takes place, this being has all the genetic information within that makes each human being unique. And he or she embodies continually developing human life from that point on. It missses a crucial point to say that the extermination can take place because the brain has not yet functioned or because that thing is not yet a “person.” Whether the life is cut off in the fourth week or the fourteenth, the victim is one of our species, and has been from the start.

Yet rational arguments like these are met with undiluted hostility by otherwise clear-thinking liberals.

A very smart man. And, oh yeah – he’s got Obama pegged, too.

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Filed under Abortion Unlimited, Against the Grain, Leftist Duplicity, Obama Nation

Canada’s Share of Greece Bailout: $9 Billion

From CNBC today: it looks like the US taxpayer is on the hook for $50 Billion through the IMF for the recently-announced bailout of Greece. That’s based on America’s 17% quota on IMF funding. Canada’s IMF quota, according to this 2009 Canada IMF/World Bank primer, is 2.89%. That would leave the Canadian taxpayer on the hook for about US$8.6 Billion, or nearly $9 Billion Canadian monopoly bucks. $9 Billion to bail out the failed social welfare state of Greece, half a world away, with no chance of ever getting the money back.

Just thought you’d like to know – that’s $300 from the pocket of every man, woman and child in Canada.

UPDATE 5/14: Congressional Republicans have introduced a bill that will stop America’s $50 Billion IMF bailout. Will Canada’s Conservatives follow suit?


Filed under Economics and Business, Europe in decay, Governments Enabling Addicts, Sucking the Canadian Taxpayer Dry, Uncategorized