Category Archives: The Confusion of The Left

“Euguenics wrapped in Feminist Clothing” – Philadelphia’s Abortion Slaughterhouse

Words cannot describe the depravity of Kermit Gosnell and his taxpayer-funded, activist- and lawmaker-shielded human butcher shop in Philadelphia. If you consider yourself “Pro-Choice”, how do the facts presented here mesh with your world-view? Just curious…

“The Philadelphia Horror: How Mass Murder Gets a Pass”

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Filed under Abortion Unlimited, The Anti-God Left, The Confusion of The Left

Attack Jewish Businesses: Toronto 2010

You have to really hate yourself (or Jews) to stand outside a Bloor Street coffee shop and make a public ass of yourself, to serve the interests of bloodthirsty fascists who would rather see you covered in a potato sack to hide your bruises. Check out this unintentionally funny, but ultimately sad and pathetic, video of a mixed bag of Jew-haters hating on Jews at a Jewish coffee shop (Aroma Cafe). Switch the music from Lady Gaga to a Bavarian folk song, and this could be Berlin 1936.


Filed under Islamic Propaganda in Canada, Islamist-Leftist Alliance, Jew-Hatred in Canada, The Confusion of The Left

“The Earth is Fine” – George Carlin on the Neurotic-Religious Cult of Environmentalism

The best George Carlin routine I’ve ever heard. Enjoy!


Filed under Classic Clips, Left-Wing Causes Celebre, Over-Environmentalism, Pop-Culture Conservatism, The Confusion of The Left, Words of Wisdom

The $10-Million Blogger: Maher Arar Writes!

Maher Arar and Monia Mazigh

He’s ba-ack! Canada’s $10 million tool of the anti-security far left, Maher Arar, is now the proprietor of a new anti-security far left web site, “Prism Magazine“. Although the featured articles seem to be the usual recycled tripe from the usual suspects, the good news is that Mahi is now blogging! Here’s the link to Maher Arar’s blog posts on Prism Magazine. Nothing much there to date except badly-edited site announcements; however, we should all monitor closely: the compulsion to confess often expresses itself in the strangest of ways.

As it stands, there’s plenty of questions that Arar has still never answered.

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Filed under Left-Wing Causes Celebre, Maher Arar, The Confusion of The Left

Scientifically-Proven Global Warming “Hockey Stick” Graph Unveiled!

Now this is “climate-change” science based in fact, subjected to rigorous peer-review, and funded without the interference of Big Left. (via Zombie @ Pyjamas)

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Filed under Left-Wing Causes Celebre, Over-Environmentalism, The Confusion of The Left

Godfather of Climate Change Hoax Phil Jones Comes Clean

Was a fraud, is a fraud, always will be a fraud. You “Climate Change” fanatics always were socialists first, cash-grabbers second, liars third, and scientists fourth. Or just extremely gullible dupes.

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Filed under Over-Environmentalism, The Confusion of The Left

Michael Ignatieff’s Vision of Canada: Dreary, Vacuous Mythology

Thanks to National Newswatch for linking to this unintentionally hysterical end-of-year sympathy-cry for the hapless Leader of the Opposition, Michael Ignatieff, courtesy of the shameless Susan Delacourt of The Toronto Star.

First, the lede:

…doesn’t he just want to give up, go back to his charmed life as an international academic and writer?

“Never,” Ignatieff says. “I’m here. I’m staying. I’m not going anywhere.”

If there’s one thing we’ve learned about Iggy in 2009, it’s that his tough talk is a complete sham. Why even pretend you’re an alpha-male, Iggy? Fact is, the only thing in your control is where you live (Toronto or Cambridge). He could be turfed out the back door just like his predecessor, Steffi, as soon as tomorrow for all we know. That much is up to the Liberal power brokers – not Iggy.

Next, Susan on how his ambitious turnaround plans will start:

As soon as the Liberal leader returns from an extended Christmas holiday – destination kept secret – he is headed out on the road, to connect with university students and rooms full of what he calls the “unconverted.”

Everyone can relate to those leaders who, when times get tough, go on extended vacations. And when Liberals need to convert the unconverted, of course they go straight to where a Liberal can hardly be found – the university campus! More on that:

“We’re going to universities. It’s important to preach to the unconverted. Some of what I have to do is rally the base, raise money. But the stuff I enjoy the most is going into rooms that aren’t full of Liberals – university crowds, university students are the future of Canadian politics and we have to get to them.”

A parody writer couldn’t have done a better job inventing the character, “Delusional lefty politician”.

As usual in the mainstream press, the important and valuable insight can be gleaned by reading the story bottom-up. The final paragraph contains Iggy’s depressing vision of Canada. Does he speak of freedom? Opportunity? Prosperity? Northern toughness? Achievement? How about even the basic Liberal boilerplate of Human Rights, Equality and Multiculturalism? Well, high-minded dreamers, here’s Canada in the mind of the man who wants to be your Prime Minister:

“I think it’s a small-l liberal country and I don’t want that to sound arrogant,” Ignatieff says. “I think that the country is small-l liberal in that it believes passionately in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It believes in publicly funded health care. It believes that Canadians should not be abandoned when they lose their jobs, they need help and training. It believes that anybody who has good grades to get through school should get all the education our society can provide. This stuff hasn’t moved very much.”

“It believes passionately in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms” – I don’t think so. Ninety-nine-point-nine percent of Canadians could not recite a single line from the charter, and at least 50% wouldn’t even be able to tell you a single concept contained therein. Many Canadians are told that they believe passionately in the Charter; but most have no clue what that even means.

“It believes in publicly funded health care” – that’s number two on our list, how we pay our doctors? Makes us sound like a country of soulless bean-counters, not human beings.

“It believes that Canadians should not be abandoned when they lose their jobs” – amazingly, dear leader can’t even come up with a third point of vision, and reverts instinctively to petty partisanship, as if helping the unemployed is somehow an issue of controversy.

“It believes that anybody who has good grades to get through school should get all the education our society can provide” – he’s a professor, an author, a journalist, and a political leader; and yet, he can’t even compose a coherent sentence on the topic of education as a national value. Cue the parody writer again: Idiotic academic who can’t even master the art of bullshit.

The dreariness of this man! Enjoy that vacation, dear sir. For a non-entity, it can neither hurt nor help.

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Filed under Broken Socialist Health Care System, Canadian Identity, Political Idiocy, Politicians, The Confusion of The Left, The Sinking Ship Liberal

Globe Reports: Judges, Defense Lawyers Don’t Like Tories (ya think?)

The Globe and Mail really is a sad old hag of a newspaper. In 2,200 words filling 51 paragaphs of dense, unreadable tripe, “investigative journalist” Kirk Makin reveals what I could have told you in one sentence: Liberal-appointed judges, defense lawyers, and ivory-tower intellectuals don’t like the Conservative government and their tightening of the criminal justice system.

Outside of Liberal-appointed judges, defense lawyers, ivory-tower intellectuals (and their sycophants), and criminals themselves, who exactly opposes: closing the 2-for-1 loophole; making the system less arbitrary by enforcing mandatory sentences; and ending the “faint hope” clause that allows first-degree murderers a chance to earn the freedom that their innocent victims can never, ever regain? (I’d call it the “endless nightmare” clause if it was a member of my family that was murdered.)

Congratulations, Globe. You’ve once again led with “Dog Bites Man”. Now (despite David Frum), get me my Post

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Filed under Anti-Americanism, No Capital Punishment, The Confusion of The Left, The Death of Journalism

The Cost of Liberal Tribalism: Iranian Freedom Marchers Hung Out to Dry

Much has been said about the situation in Iran over the past couple of weeks. The images of peaceful opposition demonstrators, and the thuggery displayed by the Islamic Revolutionary rulers of Iran, speak for themselves. It was absolutely clear: the demonstrations were not about vote-counting fraud, or about the non-reformist “reformer” Mousavi. The demonstrations were about freedom. Handed an opening by Mousavi and his brave wife (who seemed to be the one pushing her husband far beyond where he ever expected to go in his opposition to the Mullahs), hundreds of thousands of fed up Iranians took to the streets and shouted “Down with the Dictator”. While many in the west took this as opposition to the psychopathic lackey Ahmadinejad, Iranians know this was a chant not against the apocalyptic holocaust denier, but against the Ayatolla and the regime itself. The vast majority of Iranians are fed up with Islamic revolutionary rule. The vast majority of Iranians want a new revolution.

Now, what Western liberal wouldn’t stand with freedom-yearning demonstrators against a tyrannical theocracy? Ten years ago, you probably couldn’t find one. And yet liberals throughout the Western world followed their new messiah, Barack Obama, off an amoral cliff, ignored their own instincts, and worked overtime to justify the US administration’s official policy: do not show any support for the Iranian opposition. “Don’t meddle”…”if we speak up, they will blame us”…”we don’t want to encourage them, in case they get slaughtered”…”we still have shame because of some 1953 coup”. 

The cowardice displayed by most liberals over the past two weeks is the cost of the liberal tribalism of the past decade. Lefties everywhere spent eight years following orders: oppose, mock, and deride George W. Bush without hesitation. If it’s Republican, it’s wrong. If you’re part of the liberal tribe, you fall in line, and accept the new marching orders. Mockery of Bush’s freedom agenda, which aimed to support democracy and freedom anywhere and everywhere – a bipartisan agenda if there ever was one – was labeled “neo-con” and thus unacceptable. A principled position became Bush-bashing fodder for Democrat operatives and late-night television idealogues. Millions of Iraqis celebrating free and open elections joyously in the streets were ignored almost completely by the mainstream culture. A generation’s Berlin Wall moment was treated like it never even happened.

Liberal tribalism of this most heinous kind got Barack Obama elected. Unfortunately, it seems that the President not only accepts the anti-freedom-agenda as a tribal position, he takes it seriously. His absoulte abandonment of the young freedom protestors in the streets of Tehran led to the slaughter of many, the arresting of thousands, and the snuffing out of freedom at the hands of Islamo-fascist thugs. Would the crackdown have occurred anyway? Perhaps. But the message would have been sent: the free world supports freedom for all, and stands against thuggery everywhere. Now, we cannot say this, which is a travesty.

Now that the inconvenient little uprising is more-or-less over, Obama can return to negotiating with that “unclenched fist”. Hopefully, some of Obama’s tribal acolytes will have had their eyes opened, and understand that what has happened is an absolute moral tragedy that must never happen again. This shame cannot be washed off.

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Filed under Islamist-Leftist Alliance, Leftist Duplicity, The Confusion of The Left, Understanding the Left-Right Divide

Words of Wisdom in an Age of Stimulus: Milton Friedman on Spending

With an extremely busy and challenging few months ahead with my business, and a home life that includes raising two energetic little boys aged 1 and 3, I’m putting Flaggman’s Canada on hiatus until Summer 2009. I apologize to my loyal readers, and I look forward to returning later in the year. In the meantime, in this age of “Stimulus Spending”, read the timeless wisdom of the late, great Milton Friedman, and commit it to memory:

There are four ways in which you can spend money.

1) You can spend your own money on yourself. When you do that, why then you really watch out what you’re doing, and you try to get the most for your money.

2) You can spend your own money on somebody else. For example, I buy a birthday present for someone. Well, then I’m not so careful about the content of the present, but I’m very careful about the cost.

3) I can spend somebody else’s money on myself. And if I spend somebody else’s money on myself, then I’m sure going to have a good lunch!

4) Finally, I can spend somebody else’s money on somebody else. And if I spend somebody else’s money on somebody else, I’m not concerned about how much it is, and I’m not concerned about what I get. And that’s government.


Filed under Economics and Business, Site Announcements, Statism Gone Wild, The Confusion of The Left, Understanding the Left-Right Divide, Words of Wisdom