Category Archives: Abortion Unlimited

“Euguenics wrapped in Feminist Clothing” – Philadelphia’s Abortion Slaughterhouse

Words cannot describe the depravity of Kermit Gosnell and his taxpayer-funded, activist- and lawmaker-shielded human butcher shop in Philadelphia. If you consider yourself “Pro-Choice”, how do the facts presented here mesh with your world-view? Just curious…

“The Philadelphia Horror: How Mass Murder Gets a Pass”

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Filed under Abortion Unlimited, The Anti-God Left, The Confusion of The Left

When the Left exiled Life: Nat Hentoff on Abortion, Jesse Jackson and the Village Voice

Nat Hentoff, c.1958

In this world turned upside down, the “compassionate”, the “caring”, the “good guys” on the left of the political spectrum have succeeded in twisting the abortion issue, and exiling all dissenting opinion from pro-abortion orthodoxy. In this fascinating piece from 1992 I came across today (thank you to a mysterious MIT-based web site for keeping it alive), Manhattan-born atheist-Jew Jazz-loving left-leaning civil libertarian and legendary Village Voice columnist Nat Hentoff reminds us, among other things, that both Jesse Jackson and Bill Clinton were once staunchly pro-life. A taste from “Pro-Choice Bigots: a View from the Pro-Life Left”:

Not too long ago, (Jesse Jackson) was a pro-lifer. He wrote and spoke about the right to life and attacked advocates of abortion rights. “There are those who argue that the right to privacy is of a higher order than the right to life,” he would say. “That was the premise to slavery. You could not protest the existence or treatment of slaves on the plantation, because that was private and therefore outside of your right to be concerned.” He told the story of how he himself had almost been aborted. A physician had advised his mother to let him go, but she wouldn’t. Don’t let the pro-choicers convince you that a fetus isn’t a human being, he warned: “That’s how the whites dehumanized us, by calling us niggers. The first step was to distort the image of us as human beings in order to justify that which they wanted to do–and not even feel like they’d done anything wrong.”

Yet being without theology isn’t the slightest hindrance to being pro-life. As any obstetrics manual–Williams Obstetrics, for example–points out, there are two patients involved, and the one not yet born “should be given the same meticulous care by the physician that we long have given the pregnant woman.” Nor, biologically, does it make any sense to draw life-or-death lines at viability. Once implantation takes place, this being has all the genetic information within that makes each human being unique. And he or she embodies continually developing human life from that point on. It missses a crucial point to say that the extermination can take place because the brain has not yet functioned or because that thing is not yet a “person.” Whether the life is cut off in the fourth week or the fourteenth, the victim is one of our species, and has been from the start.

Yet rational arguments like these are met with undiluted hostility by otherwise clear-thinking liberals.

A very smart man. And, oh yeah – he’s got Obama pegged, too.

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Filed under Abortion Unlimited, Against the Grain, Leftist Duplicity, Obama Nation’s Anti-Abortion Commercial Phenomenon

It’s hard to imagine even the most fervent pro-abortion advocate not having second thougts after viewing this 30-second clip:


Filed under Abortion Unlimited, The Confusion of The Left

Two questions on abortion; Morgentaler in his own words.

When one reverts reflexively to “it’s a woman’s right to choose”, and switches off one’s mind to any further consideration of the issue of abortion for all-time, perhaps one could take just a moment to approach it this way.

Ask yourself first: can I look at a child – any child – and comfortably say, “it would have been OK if that kid’s mother chose to have a doctor suck that child out of her womb before birth, and throw the remains in the garbage.”

Ask yourself next: can I look at an accidentally-pregnant young woman, and comfortably say, “you can’t have a doctor suck your future child out of your womb and into the garbage before birth. Here are the numbers to the adoption agencies. They’ll help support you throughout the pregnancy and the post-natal months, whatever your circumstances.”

Open your mind, and be honest: are the decent, respectable answers “no”, then “yes”, or “yes”, then “no”?

Open your mind, and be honest: is this man a hero, or one who should be kept clear of the steak knives?


Filed under Abortion Unlimited

Cowardice and Ugliness from the American Jewish Left

A few days ago, I wrote about Hillary Clinton cancelling her appearance at Monday’s Jewish Community rally outside the United Nations, because – GASP! – the organizers (Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations) invited Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin to address the gathering. Whether it was a hissy-fit by Hill (“I won’t share the stage with that woman”), or a nefarious attempt to undermine the Obama campaign (my theory, bolstered by Commentary’s Jennifer Rubin here), it didn’t look good on Democrats, who had the gaul to claim that Palin’s appearance would have politicized the event, at the precise moment that they were politicizing the event by walking out.

Well, now, the cowardice of the “official Jewish leaders” once again rears its ugly head, as it has so many times before in history – by now, under pressure from the Obama campaign, DISINVITING PALIN! As a Jew, I could not be more disgusted. There’s not a single moral code – Jewish, or otherwise – that would condone humiliating a distinguished, invited guest. And there’s not a single better way to show weakness of spirit and emptiness of soul, than to cave in to the craven political self-interest of any party.

UPDATE: Barbara Geller, on her Atlas Shrugs blog, links to the radical Jewish leftist group J-Street as they take credit for the Palin disinvitation. Truly despicable.

Just as ugly is the virulent reaction of liberal Jewish women against Governor Palin. I understand why they are reacting this way – because, somehow, abortion became the holy grail of liberal Jewish women’s life, and hatred of God-fearing Christians became an acceptable prejudice in the community. What I hope these women understand (and this includes many in my own family and social circle) is how intolerant, and just plain ugly, it makes them look. Want a glimpse? Look in the mirror, ladies, at this “comedy” clip of liberal Jewish “comedienne” Sandra Bernhard:

More on the topic of “feminists” lashing out at the Republicans’ first-ever female Vice-Presidential candidate here, in S.E. Cupp’s comprehensive New York Daily News column.


Filed under Abortion Unlimited, Left-Wing Causes Celebre, The Confusion of The Left, Understanding the Left-Right Divide

Abortion in Canada: Barbara Kay on the absurdity of it all

I reside in liberal Toronto, where the trite phrase “a woman’s right to choose” is trotted out as the answer to every single question about abortion. Does a fetus, or an embryo, constitute human life? Is it OK to abort such a life before a certain gestation date? Why is the last day of the first trimester any different than the first day of the second trimester? Would it have been OK if your mother had aborted you, or your brother or sister, in the first trimester – would that have been a fine choice for your mother to have made? And what about the thousands of infertile couples waiting for years, and paying tens of thousands of dollars, waiting for a healthy newborn to adopt? Somehow, “it’s a woman’s choice” doesn’t quite cut it.

As it happens, I respect a woman’s right to choose whether to have sex with a man – but once a unique individual begins to grow inside of her as a result of that choice, the choices . At that point, it’s time to grow up and choose between the two remaining options: marry the father and raise a family, or carry the child to birth and grant the gift of life to a loving adoptive family.

But I digress: this post is to promote today’s column by of one of our rare clear-thinking Canadian writers, Barbara Kay, “Sacrificing conscience to the sanctity of Abortion”. The column touches on many questions about the absurd state of abortion in Canada, focusing on two recent events: the proposed fatwa against doctors-of-conscience to refuse to promote abortion by the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario; and the public criticism of V-P candidate Governor Sarah Palin for carrying her Down’s Syndrome child to term by the executive vice-president of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, Dr. André Lalonde.

To my liberal Jewish friends and family, I encourage you to open your minds to this liberal Jewish woman’s take on the cult of abortion. If it’s about “a woman’s right to choose”, then what about a doctor’s right to choose? And if it’s about compassion for women, then what about compassion for those who live life with the extra chromosome, who are now told that they should never have been born? If your answer is “it’s a woman’s right to choose”, then perhaps you may be unwilling to face the complexity of the issue.


Filed under Abortion Unlimited, Against the Grain

Throwing the Fetus Under the Bus: The Soulless Conservatism of Harris Tories Takes Over

Without control of the high ground on moral issues, conservatism is lost. What remains is the soulless image of the capable administrator, counting beans and biding time, until power is once again handed back to the heroes of “progress”.

The reason I bring this up today, is that the ultimate soul of true modern conservatism – the protection of all forms of human life, via resistance to abortion, infanticide, embryo-destroying research, and euthenasia – has now been ripped out of the federal Conservative party, thanks to the new regime of ex-Harris-ites who are now in full control of the Prime Minister’s office. After being challenged last week by Stephane Dion to explain his view on abortion, the PMO gave the Liberal Party an unthinkable gift: full capitulation on the issue. First, the words of Kory Teneycke, Stephen Harper’s Director of Communications, former Harris senior policy advisor, and right-hand man of new PMO chief of staff, and former Harris inner-cirlce advisor Guy Giorno, upon throwing pro-life Alberta MP Ken Epp and his Unborn Victims of Crime Act under the bus:

“I think it is important that Canadians understand what is on our agenda and what is not on our agenda,” Kory Teneycke, the Prime Minister’s communications director, told reporters following a news conference.

“What is on our agenda is being tough on crime and punishing criminals, and what is not on our agenda is re-opening a debate on abortion. That clarity I think is helpful for Canadians, especially as we go into a period where they might be forced to make a choice.”

Next, the words of Justice Minister Rob Nicholson, a well-known pro-life advocate, who has obviously been cowed from above by the Harris PMO:

Justice Minister Rob Nicholson, whose government is expected to go to the polls this fall, said he will introduce his own competing bill that would make pregnancy an aggravating factor for judges to take into account when sentencing those who assault expectant mothers.

But he stressed that he intends to make it clear that the new law is worded in a way that “leaves no room for the introduction of fetal rights.”

The message to social conservatives couldn’t be more clear: shut up, your views only serve to cost us votes. I couldn’t disagree more. When you take away social values, what do you have left? Fiscal conservatism, whose only pitch to the public is the mundane, visionless promise that they will be good administrators; versus liberals, whose pitch always claims the moral high ground of “social justice”, and always includes vast generosity with the public purse to the special interest groups who mobilize the voting public.

The Liberal Party may be intellectually bankrupt, but the liberal vision inspires people of a certain mindset, and the liberal agenda is great at buying votes. The Conservative Party is proving itself to be nearly as visionless, offering no coherent vision of Canada’s future, and punting on the very issues that can energize the base and make our country a better place. 

The Harrisites should have learned this lesson by now. After years of governing in soulless bean-counting fashion, not an ounce of goodwill had built up for the Ontario PC party, and when Mike Harris handed over the reins to the even more soulless policies of the milquetoast Ernie Eves, the voters deserted the party and handed over Ontario’s government to a Liberal who was universally considered by pundits to be unelectable. Stephane Dion bashers – myself included – should take note. Mr. Harper, also take note: you’re being led down a very dark path.

At least Epp vows to fight on.

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Filed under Abortion Unlimited, Ontario Politics, Political Idiocy, Politicians, Soulless Conservatism

The Pro-Abortion Smear Machine: Rob Mitchell calls opponents Anti-Semites

In a nutshell: a former senior aide to Ontario Progressive “Conservative” Premiers Mike Harris and Ernie Eves, Rob Mitchell says in his Toronto Star column this week that if you’re against Henry Morgentaler’s Order of Canada award, you’re either an anti-semite, or part of a Catholic conspiracy to kill women by forcing them into coathanger abortions. Or both. Yet another example of why so many far-left radical positions – from unlimited free abortions, to socialist health care, to same-sex marriage, to a ban on capital punishment – become so easily imposed on well-meaning populations: if you resist, you’re labeled an anti-semite, a homophobe, a sexist, a racist, an Islamophobe, or someone who’s against the poor. Idealogues know that these dishonest attacks are the easiest way to shut people up – and they even have a whole system of justice (the HRCs) to back them up.

Mitchell also quotes Dalton McGuinty – the nothing-between-the-ears politician who pretends he’s a Catholic, but calls parochial education “divisive”, tried to ban the Lord’s Prayer, and protects taxpayer-funded abortions – as the source of all wisdom on the issue.

This is the state of the conservative movement in Ontario. Lord help us all.


Filed under Abortion Unlimited, Leftist Duplicity

In Light of Henry Morgentaler’s Order of Canada: Women’s Health, Adoption, Eugenics and Abortion

In the now week-old debate over whether “Dr.” Henry Morgentaler should have been honoured with the Order of Canada medal, the pro-abortion crowd has taken a PR beating in its attempt to stifle any dissent against the status quo. Light has been shone on the fact that Canada “leads” the world by having not a single restriction on the destruction of in-utero life. Light has been shone on the far-left partisanship of the Order’s selection committee, starting with the chief justice of the Supreme Court herself. And the abortion debate has been reopened again, as pro-life and pro-“choice” sides go at it across the country. For more on this line of inquiry, read Father Raymond de Souza’s fine column from today’s National Post, “Abortion isn’t the settled issue it was supposed to be”.

Three of the most compelling arguments, though, that helped turn me from agnostic on the topic to strongly anti-abortion (except in the less-than-one-percent cases of rape, incest, fatal abnormalities, and legitimate fatal threat to physical life of mother), have scarcely been mentioned by the media, and, as far as I can tell, have not been brought up by even the most staunch opponents of Morgentaler:

1) The proven negative impacts of abortion on the mental and physical health of women, always derided, minimized, or simply ignored by ideological proponents of “choice”. For links to the scientific research on the links between abortion and breast cancer, decreased fertility, birth defects, miscarriage risk, and various mental health issues, check out this page at Heartbeat International.

2) Easy access to unlimited, unquestioned abortions in free private clinics like Morgentaler’s butcheries has made it nearly impossible for thousands of stable, loving, but infertile couples from finding healthy North American newborns to adopt. With the popular culture, and the Planned Parenthood-led “crisis pregnancy counselling” machine driving the vast majority of “accidental” pregnancies to the vacuum suction table, the supply of up-for-adoption babies in North America has virtually dried up. The costs of adoption are obscene due to this scarcity, and the choice is often limited to the offspring of the mentally ill homeless and the addicted, or the residents of third-world orphanages. (Do these children deserve a loving, caring family? Yes. Are most adoptive parents willing or able to deal with their associated problems? No, unfortunately, not.)

3) Eugenics as the driving ideology behind unlimited-abortion extremists. Question: what was completely whitewashed by the media on July 2, 2008? Answer: Morgentaler’s opening statement to the media in reaction to the news that he received the Order of Canada, exposing his eugenicist agenda. A transcription: “I wrote this statement, which is not long. I want to say thank you, and I’m genuinely honoured. In addition, I’m proud on my behalf, but also because we now know that 20 years after unwanted pregnancies become less common, violent crime becomes much rarer. In other words, because there are fewer unwanted pregnancies, there are people alive today who would otherwise have been murdered, and that makes me very happy indeed.” Not a single journalist, far as I can tell, challenged the veracity of this statement in print.


Filed under Abortion Unlimited, Left-Wing Causes Celebre

Worst Canada Day Ever: “Dr.” Henry Morgentaler named to Order of Canada

UPDATE 07/02 – Link to Barbara Kay’s column, perfectly articulating my position on abortion and Morgentaler, added at end of post.

Those who defend Canada’s eugenicist-in-chief, Henry Morgentaler, almost always begin with the title that suits him far better than Doctor – Holocaust Survivor. Just like media lefties relentlessly reminded us that unhinged socialist-pacifist agitator Cindy Sheehan was a Grieving Mother, the Holocaust Survivor title is intended to place Morgentaler on a supposedly unshakeable moral high ground, to inocculate him from criticism.

Surviving the Nazi death camps does not make you a good person, any more than dying in the firebombing of Dresden made you a bad Nazi.

I am in no way minimizing the experiences of a Polish Jew who experienced hell on earth in his youth. I am a Jew whose ancestors lost entire branches of the family tree to the Nazi death machine. But some survivors went on to start businesses, raise families, build societies, and become great philanthropists. Morgentaler chose to toss his Hipocratic Oath into the garbage and, through both activism and his own dastardly hands, ensured the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of children who, at the very least, could have been adopted out, with the chance to grow up and start businesses, raise families, build societies, and become great philanthropists.

We are a debased country thanks to Henry Morgentaler. My alma mater, the University of Western Ontario, is a debased institution thanks to the honourary degree granted to Morgentaler in 2005 (and I let them know about it with every bloody fund raising call). And the Order of Canada is now thoroughly disgraced.

I don’t hang around with radical leftists. But most of my friends and family are soft-liberal supporters of “choice”. And every single one will admit that they do not “like” abortion, nor would they ever want a loved one to resort to it. Yet Morgentaler and his ilk not only like abortion, they profit from it, they promote it, they cover up the associated health risks and effects on future fertility, and they elevate its macabre practice to a virtue. It takes a diseased mind to press a philosphy of death on a society, and those diseased minds have now been validated by our Governor-General and her panel of warped CBC elites.

Enjoy that award, Morgentaler. It will look great right up there next to your 1989 Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger award. Yes, that Margaret Sanger.

UPDATE 07/02 – Barbara Kay perfectly captures my opinion on abortion, and Morgentaler, in her column from today’s National Post.


Filed under Abortion Unlimited, Left-Wing Causes Celebre, The Confusion of The Left