Category Archives: Over-Environmentalism

Tim Pawlenty 2007: Listen to Visionaries like Jimmy Carter, ignore Global Warming Skeptics

I started this blog in February 2007, and many of my initial posts centered around the mountains of evidence emerging that the whole Global Warming/Climate Change movement was a complete fraud. In fact, the talk of March 2007 around the ‘net was UK Channel 4’s “The Great Global Warming Swindle” documentary, which exposed the faulty science behind the political watermelon movement. There was an attempt in 2006 to start a “Crunchy Con” movement, but that was a non-starter that fooled no one.

Fast-forward to May 2011, and we have a character named Tim Pawlenty, pretending to be the small-c conservative standard bearer for the Republicans in the 2012 Presidential Election campaign. Yet where was he in April 2007, when we already knew that the Global Warming emperor had no clothes? He was addressing the Minnesota Climate Change Advisory Group (MCCAG) in Minneapolis, with this brief speech. Here is the full text of his remarks to the organization, found also in the .pdf minutes of the MCCAG found here.

Thank you everyone. You’re all busy and you’ve taken time to help us form a better environmental program for the state.

As Peter Drucker taught us, “The practices that got us here, won’t get us to the future. The best way to think about future is to go out and invent it.”

It looks like we should have listened to President Carter. He called us to action, and we should have listened. So we now have ourselves in a bit of a pickle. As is often the case, the people are way ahead of the politicians. We’re benefiting from their tailwind.

Other visionaries deserve credit too, many who may have been dismissed as goofy. They were right, not goofy. Energy and climate issues are intertwined. Climate change is real. Human behavior is partly and may be a lot responsible. Those who don’t think so are simply not right. We should not spend time on voices that say it’s not real. Please don’t let these voices discourage or distract you from your mission.

Our hope is at the end of your deliberations, you will have given us a plan for action. I’m proud of Minnesota’s longstanding attention to environmental issues, but here we need to raise the bar as others catch up. We want to be bold, dynamic. But we have to fashion steps. Our actions on climate can’t unravel the political consensus or the Minnesota economy. It must be done in a rational way.

Sometimes success has led to complacency. Sadly we have been complacent in thinking about energy and environment. But we’re reaching a tipping point, and we have to deal with it now. I’ll do my best to lead and advocate for your recommendations.

In summary: ‘Jimmy Carter’s malaise speech was right-on. Listen to the visionaries like him and Al Gore, and ignore those deniers who stand in the way of  big-government solutions to climate change. I believe the climate is at a tipping-point, and I’ll act as governor to do whatever you zealots recommend.’

T-Paw has tried to distance himself from enviro-pimping ways of the past. But his “mistake” wasn’t in, say, 1997, when he could have claimed to not have known any better. This was 2007, when the debunking was publicly available, and the red agenda of the green movement was well known. He was already Governor of a state, and was actively encouraging the greens to provide him a plan to implement! Later in 2007, he actually signed a state bill requiring a Minnesota task force to come up with recommendations on how to implement a cap-and-trade system. There’s no way to write this one off as a youthful indiscretion.

So the question is: Is Tim Pawlenty a naive fool, or another two-faced RINO? Either way: I cannot take his candidacy seriously. If you were pushing that stuff just four years ago, you have no business pretending to be a conservative.

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“The Earth is Fine” – George Carlin on the Neurotic-Religious Cult of Environmentalism

The best George Carlin routine I’ve ever heard. Enjoy!


Filed under Classic Clips, Left-Wing Causes Celebre, Over-Environmentalism, Pop-Culture Conservatism, The Confusion of The Left, Words of Wisdom

Scientifically-Proven Global Warming “Hockey Stick” Graph Unveiled!

Now this is “climate-change” science based in fact, subjected to rigorous peer-review, and funded without the interference of Big Left. (via Zombie @ Pyjamas)

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Filed under Left-Wing Causes Celebre, Over-Environmentalism, The Confusion of The Left

Godfather of Climate Change Hoax Phil Jones Comes Clean

Was a fraud, is a fraud, always will be a fraud. You “Climate Change” fanatics always were socialists first, cash-grabbers second, liars third, and scientists fourth. Or just extremely gullible dupes.

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Filed under Over-Environmentalism, The Confusion of The Left

Say it aint so, Sarah! Harmer joins Canadian ingrates in anti-Harper harangue

One of my favorite Canadian musicians of all-time was Sarah Harmer – front-woman for one of the best groups of the ’90s, Weeping Tile, and auteur of the amazing 2000 solo album, You Were Here.

So, sad was I to discover tonight that the lovely Sarah has descended into the political gutter, joining an ensemble of otherwise little-known and mediocre-at-best musicians brought together by the international leftist agitation group Avaaz to record a “Save the Planet: Stop Harper” anthem. No, this is not a joke! They’ve gone ‘We are the World” – or, more accurately, “Northern Lights” – for an over-the-top partisan message that includes juvenile personal attacks, in addition to the usual insane hyperbole used to rile up suckers to a socialist agenda.

So, Sarah, here’s what you’ve done: you’ve made yourself a partisan demagogue hack. To what end? The earth? Puh-lease. You’ve moved exactly zero votes. And, most importantly, you have joined a group that has become hypocricy personified: the same ingrates who have spent as much time in their careers filling out government grant applications as they have making music, while bitching that the end of their corrupting gravy train is a national emergency.

Viva Harper – all whining ingrates, off the dole!


Filed under Left-Wing Causes Celebre, Over-Environmentalism, Political Idiocy, Sucking the Canadian Taxpayer Dry, The Confusion of The Left

“A Sick-Souled Religion” – WSJ’s Bret Stephens on the Climate Change Enviro-Fraud

The code has been cracked! Global Warming/Climate Change believers use the issue to fulfill one of three main purposes. Thanks to Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal for articulating it so beautifully in his July 1 op-ed, “Global Warming as Mass Neurosis”:

1) a Vehicle of Ideological Convenience (advancing the cause of internationalist socialism – the Al Gore/UN/World Economic Forum jet-setting elite set);

2) a new theology (fulfilling the need of secular atheists to have belonging and meaning);

3) a punishment for the evils of a corpulent modern Western culture (the harsh, painful, anti-modern “cures” are seen as the penance that is due to clear the conscience).

Stephens’ conclusion hits it right on the head:

In “The Varieties of Religious Experience,” William James distinguishes between healthy, life-affirming religion and the monastically inclined, “morbid-minded” religion of the sick-souled. Global warming is sick-souled religion.


Filed under Left-Wing Causes Celebre, Over-Environmentalism

Frank Deford on Golf: Politically-Correct Enviro-Nonsense Infecting the World of Sports

The man generally known as the wise old genius of American sportswriting has joined the team – the politically-correct enviro-nonsense smear machine. Exposing himself as a self-hating liberal, Frank Deford’s latest NPR commentary, “Thirsty Golf Courses Need to Go Green“, explains that, because of global warming, golf courses are going to have to allow themselves to turn brown and ugly.

There’s nothing new here – it’s a rehash of left-wing tripe that would have us believe that such lies as “of course, we don’t have enough water anymore for all the people on the earth.” But what is truly annoying, as a lifelong sports fan, is that Deford insists on infecting the most innocent and American of all journalistic areas with this downer crap. And, he demonstrates how liberalism spreads its poison virally through venues like sportswriting and hollywood films. Here’s how the column concludes:

Golf Digest points out, for example, that an incredible 41 percent of golfers polled believe that global warming is a myth.

But among the 59 percent of the enlightened golfers, the problem is being addressed. Perhaps as many as 1,000 courses are using recycled or reclaimed water, and the United States Golf Association has made that mandatory for some areas of the Southwest. New grasses are being developed that require less moisture to thrive. Overseeding is being frowned upon. Courses are being returned more to their natural state, so grass will often have to lose some of its sheen.

You see, at the end of the day, for golf to go green and accommodate itself to the real world, it’s simply going to have to be much more brown.

So here’s the message to the average sports reader who is generally disengaged from political and scientific discourse: if you don’t accept the slippery, ever-shifting force-fed fear-mongering that the world is headed to catastrophe because of your selfish American bourgeoise ways, you are unenlightened. And you don’t live in the real world if you think golf courses should remain lush, green, and clean.

Say what you want about golf and golfers. I, for one, can’t understand where people get the time to take it up as a serious hobby. But there’s no proof that the world is running out of water, let alone being drained of it by golf courses. There’s also no proof that fresh water supplies are in peril in any way. But there is proof that self-hating liberals will eventually turn on everything beautiful, enjoyable, American, and middle-class.

So stop calling me unenlightened, kooks. Stop dismissing my skepticism of your hysteria as being outside the “real world”. And believe me when I tell you: this will be the most mocked and derided magazine cover in the history of sports when all is said and done, and you will feel very stupid for having taken it seriously:


Filed under Left-Wing Causes Celebre, Over-Environmentalism, The Confusion of The Left, Uncategorized, Understanding the Left-Right Divide

Lorrie Goldstein on Global Warming/Climate Change: The Perfect Propaganda Tool for the Anti-Capitalists

Check out this brilliant piece today by one of Canada’s best columnists, Lorrie Goldstein of The Toronto Sun. Cutting right to the heart of the issue, Goldstein identifies the one thing we know for sure about the “science” of Global Warming/Climate Change: that it is a dishonestly-manipulated propaganda tool used by the anti-Western, anti-capitalist, anti-American left to further its political goals:

Cool the climate hysteria

‘Every generation needs a holier-than-thou, ideological mantra … to wrap themselves virtuously’



Global warming is the gift that keeps on giving to climate hysterics.

For those already pre-disposed to being anti-western, anti-development, anti-growth, anti-capitalist and most of all, anti-U.S., it’s the perfect propaganda tool.

After all, as they screech, the survival of the Earth itself is at stake and they alone are on the side of the angels. They alone care about the legacy we will leave our grandchildren.

To this crowd, the rest of us are “climate deniers,” in a league with the devil, in the pay of Big Oil and out to destroy … uh … ourselves.

Even better for climate hysterics, they will never be called to account for their simple-minded campaign to demonize fossil fuels, which is aimed more at arbitrarily controlling human behaviour — and for so-called “green” politicians, raising taxes — than reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

That’s because everyone alive today will be dead long before we know how much of the scientific “consensus” on global warming is correct.

Over the short term — and when talking about climate change, this means considerably longer than the life span of everyone now on the planet — we know that no matter what we do, GHG emissions, which are cumulative and last for anywhere from 50 to thousands of years in the atmosphere, will continue to rise for many decades, along with global temperatures. That would be true even if we were reducing emissions now, which, for all the shouting, we aren’t.

But beyond that — and that there will be a significant impact on climate, and us — the scientific “consensus” touted by climate hysterics abruptly ends.


There are huge unknowns, competing theories and debates within the scientific community about what will happen, where, when and how severe.

The insistence of climate hysterics (and opportunistic politicians) that the debate over anthropogenic global warming is “over” — aimed at replacing rational decision-making with “do as we say” diktats — is laughable.

If it’s “over,” why are governments still spending billions of our tax dollars researching it, dwarfing anything spent by the fossil fuel industry, which climate hysterics would have us believe is funding anyone who doesn’t bow before them? The reason for all this publicly funded research is because of all that we don’t know.

But what we do know is that what the hysterics claim, that virtually any weather phenomenon today is “proof” of man-made climate change — harsh winters, mild winters, dry spells, wet spells, more snow, less snow, heat waves, cold snaps, you name it — is nonsense.

The climate is always changing and was changing long before we arrived. Plus, weather isn’t climate, something hysterics (and pseudo-green media) mention when it suits them, ignore when it doesn’t.

Ultimately, responding to global warming is a political issue.

In that context, as retired U.S. foreign service officers Teresa Chin Jones (who holds a doctorate in chemistry) and David T. Jones, wrote perceptively in their 2007 article “The Zen of Global Warming” (available at

“It appears that every generation needs a holier-than-thou, ideological mantra … with which to wrap themselves virtuously, while belabouring their opponents as the political equivalent of demonically possessed …

“Pick your weapon/words and come out slanging. In this regard, the Kyoto agreement and global warming have become among the most knife-edged shibboleths of the current culture wars.

“To complicate matters, global warming and its political surrogate (the Kyoto accord) appear to have become aspects of bilateral differentiation between nations — distinguishing the moral, environmentally-conscious, energy-conserving Kyoto cultists, from the right-wing, gun-toting yahoos and Kyoto-deniers epitomized by the United States.”


They argue for a pragmatic approach — energy conservation and industrial innovation to develop alternative energy sources, based on the precautionary principle that, regardless of global warming theory, we know the Earth’s population is increasing and that non-renewable energy sources (oil, coal, natural gas) are precisely that — non-renewable.

“In short, we do not need a new ‘Crusade’,” they conclude, “but rather, a new Industrial Revolution.”

Exactly. One based on technological innovation, that climate hysterics — their Luddite heads filled with dangerous notions that humanity can be returned to a pre-industrial, pastoral state — will fight every step of the way. Ironic, isn’t it?


Filed under Left-Wing Causes Celebre, Leftist Duplicity, Over-Environmentalism, Social Engineering Gone Wild

Suckered by Suzuki: NHL Players buy Carbon Credits

Apparently, they didn’t learn their lesson with Eagleson or Goodenow. The NHL players , under their new leader, Massachussets lawyer Paul Kelly, are being fleeced again – this time, getting strongarmed into buying “carbon credits” – today’s equivalent to the indulgences sold by the church in Medieval times that let hypocrites be hypocrites, and led to the great schism. From today’s Toronto Star:

In a first for a major North American professional sports league, the National Hockey League Players Association is teaming up with the David Suzuki Foundation to promote action on climate change. And players are taking the lead by buying carbon credits to offset the environmental impact of their extensive travel during season play.

“To have … all these great heroes to Canadian kids taking a stand on one of the most important issues of our time is wonderful,” Suzuki told reporters at a downtown hotel last night. “I can assure you, the traction you’re going to get from this stand is far beyond anything environmentalists like I can get.”

The initiative, spearheaded by Boston Bruins defenceman Andrew Ference and promoted by former all-star Eric Lindros, has really caught fire, said Paul Kelly, executive director of the players’ group.

More than half of the league’s 700-plus players have already signed the carbon neutral challenge, said Kelly, who expects more than 500 will eventually participate.

“We players really want to show our fans and the kids who look up to us that action is louder than words and going carbon neutral is a big start for us,” said Ference. The Suzuki Foundation calculates that NHL players generate an average of about 10 tonnes of carbon emissions every year flying to games, staying in hotels and driving to and from arenas. At a cost of $29 per tonne, players will pay $290 each to offset their emissions.

The money will support wind energy in Madagascar, biomass energy in India and a hydroelectric project in Indonesia, the foundation says. These clean energy projects have been chosen by the foundation and meet the so-called gold standard for carbon offsets.

Could anything be more sad than our once-proud national heroes being tainted by falling for fad-inspired alarmists, who in turn are happily suckered by P.T. Barnum-inspired cads? I weep on my 1972 Summit Series Complete 8-DVD Set


Filed under Over-Environmentalism

Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth “A political film” packed with “alarmism and exaggeration”: London Judge


Don’t take it from me; take it from Mr Justice Burton of the High Court in London (h/t National Newswatch – Canada’s best news web site). Al Gore’s Oscar-Winning “Documentary” is riddled with errors, exaggerations, and inconsistencies. My favorite debunking moment by the Judge – the Polar Bear myth, which is the favorite battering ram of Canada’s pro-Kyoto humanity-haters:

Gore: Referred to a new scientific study showing that, for the first time, polar bears were being found that had actually drowned “swimming long distances – up to 60 miles – to find the ice”.

Judge: “The only scientific study that either side before me can find is one which indicates that four polar bears have recently been found drowned because of a storm.” That was not to say there might not in future be drowning-related deaths of bears if the trend of regression of pack ice continued – “but it plainly does not support Mr Gore’s description”.

A review of the Judge’s nine proven “Inconvenient Truths” can be found here, in the October 10, 2007 Times of London. The Judge also ruled that “An Inconvenient Truth” may be shown in UK classroms “only if it was accompanied by new guidlines to balance the former US vice-president’s ‘one-sided’ views.”


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