Tag Archives: ehrlich

The key to understanding the left: Overpopulation and Resource Scarcity

It’s Malthusianism. Ehrlichism. Suzuki-ism. Scarcity-ism. The belief that there are too many people on earth, and that there are a finite amount of resources on earth. Drill down into the thinking of most left-wing ideas and liberal behavior, and you’ll find this belief, pushed on the public in various forms throughout the culture and academia, is the foundation.

It’s the key to understanding why otherwise normal, well-educated, intelligent people you know, who personally live more-or-less right-of-center lives, accept Big Government as the answer: because population must be reduced, and resources must be rationed, and the only way to do that is with force from above, enforced by the barrel of a gun. It’s why they accept intrusions into the lives of others and themselves. It’s why they accept taxation as a social and punitive tool. It’s why they accept any fraud labeled “green”. It’s why they obsess over the “income gap”. It’s why they feel guilty over their material success. It’s why they feel resentment over those who gain even greater material success. It’s why they accept wealth-redistribution schemes which they fully understand leads to disincentive to work. It’s why they accept government health care death panels. It’s why they accept and defend human baby abortion. It’s why their heroes idolize Castro and Chavez, defend Saddam, clink champagne glasses with Kim Jung-Il, refuse to bomb Hitler’s gas chambers and human incinerators, and idolize the United Nations as it stands by and watches slaughters in Africa.

If conservatives want to have an impact in the fight for the political culture, this is ground zero: the fight against these two twisted notions (overpopulation and resource scarcity) that warp minds and hand all power to the left. Remove this ring the left uses to pull around the people by their noses, and the war can be won. Remove the foundation, and the edifice crumbles to the ground.

So from now on, remember the mantra at all times: there are not too many people on the earth, there are probably too few. There are not too few resources on the earth; mathematically, our resources approach infinity.

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